Cordusio 2.0
Via Santa Maria Segreta, 2 N° 3
20123 Milano
Cordusio 2.0
Via Santa Maria Segreta, 2 N° 3
20123 Milano
Launched in 1989, Bain Milan operates in conjunction with our Rome office as Bain Italy. The two collectively partner with both domestic and international clients across all key industries. Our home city serves as Italy’s financial, manufacturing and commercial epicenter, and our office mirrors its unceasing creativity and vigor.
Bain Milan is home to a friendly, familial culture focused on developing strong relationships, both internally and with our clients. We invest in regular social events to foster relationships with one another, and also dedicate time to give back to the local community through various philanthropic initiatives.
Bei Bain wirst du eine offene Kultur mit Menschen erleben, die sich gegenseitig unterstützen, inspirieren und wertschätzen. Denn egal, was du kannst – gemeinsam können wir noch mehr erreichen. Mit diesem Gedanken wachsen wir gemeinsam über uns hinaus.
Bist du bereit? Werde Teil unseres Teams.
Entdecke offene Positionen in diesem Büro.
Treffe deine zukünftigen Kolleg:innen bei einer unserer Veranstaltungen.
Lerne Bain im Rahmen eines Praktikums kennen und sammle dabei erste Projekterfahrung.
"Flexibility, growth opportunities and empowerment to follow your passions. Three keywords that summarize growth at Bain and the way forward for the upcoming years."
Carlo Farina
Partner, Milan
Office Tour
Our office space has been thoughtfully designed to promote connections, collaboration and creativity. Take a look inside.
Cordusio 2.0
Via Santa Maria Segreta, 2 N° 3
20123 Milano
Erica Picciolo
Phone: +39 349 330 5900
Bain & Company Italy, Inc.
Legal address: 131 Dartmouth Street, Boston, MA 02116
Administrative address: Via Santa Maria Segreta 2 N° 3 - 20123 Milano
Fiscal code and VAT number: 09683280151
Ufficio del registro delle imprese d’iscrizione: Milano
Numero REA: MI- 1309832